Additional Treatment
Chronic pain affliction comes with the premise that the need for medication to alleviate symptoms is the only best approach. However, with all medications, a tolerance builds as time goes by and the need arises to take more or higher doses. The only problem with this approach is the fact that most pain medications (oxycodone or opiate based drugs) have highly addictive properties which most if not all can’t escape these effects. It turns out dependence (Opiates) often becomes more debilitating then the pain itself.
There is a better way! At Florida Coast Recovery our Medical Director has over 20 years’ experience in pain management. We are highly knowledgably dealing with complications due to chronic pain and medication dependence. Our chronic pain treatment program helps those individuals learn to live a healthy and productive life. The focus is to alleviate the pain symptoms long term. New proven approaches using chiropractic treatments, physical therapy, massage, and acupuncture along with, life style changes of diet and exercise are proven to optimize psychological changes and relief of symptoms.
Chronic pain affects the family not only the individual. We will work with both the client and their family to ensure a stress free environment for maximal emotional stability. Psychotherapeutic interventions have been proven to improve cognitive distortions and one’s perception of pain.
Evidence is building to support longer care stays with the residential model. It turns out that 90 days or more is just about how long it takes for the brain to reset itself and shake off the immediate influences of alcohol and drugs. Researchers have documented what they call the sleeper effect–a gradual re-engaging of proper decision making and analytical functions in the brains prefrontal cortex–after a person has abstained for at least 90 days.
Sometimes the effects of alcohol or drugs can have a greater impact on an individual’s ability to function properly. This may require a longer term of treatment. Everybody is different or operates at different levels. Treatment can be at your own pace, never rushed or compromised. We have a proven method of gradually transitioning from one phase to the next. Client’s length of stay could be as long as 180 days.
An extended-stay treatment facility is often designed to serve individuals who have not been successful with other options. The resources available through such programs can be targeted to those struggling with a number of drug or alcohol relapses, especially when those relapses have made short-term or outpatient care options redundant for individuals.
Our Residential treatment programs last a minimum of 45days if qualified. Patients voluntarily enter a safe, secure facility in which intensive drug and alcohol treatment programs are the cornerstone of the patient’s daily activities. Often, patients who have attempted outpatient treatment programs but have ultimately relapsed back into drug and alcohol use, or have found outpatient programs difficult to complete, achieve success in a residential program. Some patients do require more than one visit to a residential program.
Patients who require detoxification services due to concerns about withdrawal also benefit from residential programs, as detox services can be included as a part of residential treatment programs. After detox (if necessary), patients undergo an intensive, daily drug or alcohol treatment regimen to learn about the disease of addiction in a supportive, immersive environment.
Residential programs are safe, structured environments in which patients are removed from stressful circumstances that promote or fuel the urge to use. Because negatively influencing factors are removed from a patient’s daily experience, participants in residential treatment programs can begin to work on building life skills that had been interfered with due to addiction. Because of this intensive level of care, residential treatment programs are ideal for people who have unsuccessfully attempted to overcome addiction in outpatient programs, or for people who have identified that they need drug or alcohol treatment and want to “do it right” the first time. As previously stated, the level of care necessary for a patient should be determined by an in-person assessment with a qualified medical or counseling professional. For this reason, many residential centers encourage family participation, including evening family education programs and weekend programs. In addition to immediate family, patients benefit from having a “therapeutic community” in residential treatment programs – a community of patients who support one another through treatment by encouraging others to stay on task. In addition to the other differentiators of long-term residential care, it is this camaraderie gained through empathy and shared experience that often helps patients overcome addiction while completing drug or alcohol treatment.
Clients may be unaware that they suffer from other psychiatric conditions affecting their general well-being. Depression, Anxiety and Bi-Polar disorders are among the most notable states associated with the use of drugs or alcohol. At Florida Coast Recovery, we treat both the addiction and these co-occurring mood disorders. Our facility’s staff includes among many others a medical director working in the field of addiction for over 20 years, a licensed mental health clinical director also working in the field for over 20 years, trained nurses and supportive addiction recovery staff. Let our licensed mental health therapists customize a treatment plan best designed for your specific needs. Depression, Anxiety and the like can be managed so that living a worry and stress free life is right around the corner.